Meet the Staff: Ronna R.

Published Thursday, January 2, 2025
When did you start working at EPL?

June, 2024

Earliest memory of being in a library?

I remember watching the Don Knotts movie, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken and checking out loads of Nancy Drew books at the Bartlett, IL library when I was in early grade school, and I also have fond memories of the Bookmobile when I was young.

Peace like a river book cover
Favorite book genre/favorite book/favorite author

I don’t have a favorite author (How could I choose?!), but one of my favorite books is Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. I also love dystopian and post-apocalyptic novels.

Would you rather only be able to whisper or only able to shout?

As loud as I tend to be, I guess I’d have to go with shout… :-)

What is your favorite aspect of working at the library?

Libraries are such happy places! I love everything about working here. My co-workers are amazing, and I love being surrounded by books and the people who love them.

What’s your favorite word?

I love the English language in all its forms...words like verisimilitude, ennui, discombobulated and defenestration bring me joy, and I love learning a new word and its etymology (My dad would jokingly ask here, “Isn’t that the study of bugs?”)

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

I enjoy reading, playing games and doing puzzles with my family, and visiting National Parks.

Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of your life?

Talk like Yoda, I would.

Why should people visit the library?
The library is a wonderful, welcoming place with something to offer everyone. Whether you’re a library cardholder or not, you can warm up (or cool down) in a comfy chair, breathe in the quietness, enjoy a book on any subject, and rejuvenate. The library staff is pretty helpful and cool as well!