Meet the Staff: Sarah F.

Published Friday, February 4, 2022
How long have you worked at the library?

I have worked at the library since August 31 so about five months!

How many items do you have checked out right now?

I have two items checked out.

How many items are on your hold list?

Strangely enough, I only have two on hold.

What book can you read again and again without losing interest? Why do you still read it?

I could read Cinder again and again. It was one of the first books I read where I felt like I was in the book and I think the characters and relationships were perfectly written.

If you were a literary character, who would you be and why?

I would probably be Geronimo Stilton. As a kid I never understood why he would rather stay in his house instead of going on these dangerous adventures but now I totally get where his stressed-out self was coming from.

What aspects of the library do you think are underutilized?

The 3D printer. I have yet to see anyone use it but I think it would be so epic to see it in action.

What is your favorite aspect of working at the library?

The environment for sure. I have met some really nice people who have introduced me to things I didn’t realize I would like so much. Also the youth library is always fun.

Have your reading habits changed since working at the library? If so, how?

Being surrounded by books makes you check out a bunch you think you will read, realizing you picked up too many, and then not finishing them. But ultimately I have been able to read a lot of things I have been wanting to read for a while. I have started reading graphic novels and comics by the dozen since I started working here which is a lot of fun.

What is your perfect reading environment?

I love reading at the dead of night when no one else around and it is super quiet. The best feeling is when everyone else is asleep and it feels like it is just you and the book. I also absolutely love when my cat sits with me while I read.

Orion and the dark
What was your favorite children’s book when you were a child? What is your favorite children’s book now?

My favorite books growing up were pretty much anything by Dr. Seuss because I found the art so engaging. Now, I think children’s books have gotten even more beautiful and have progressed so much in representation. A lot more stories are being told that I wish I had that growing up. A children’s book I have read recently called Orion and the Dark was a really endearing story about fear and the illustrations were unbelievable.

Before you worked here, what was your worst library transgression?
Just keeping books way too long and honestly, I still keep books for an unreasonable amount of time after their due date.