If you’ve been lucky enough to meet or work with Kristen in the 10 years she’s worked at Edwardsville Public Library, you don’t need me to tell you how wonderful she is but I will do it anyway! Kristen is the Youth Services Librarian and has been in this position since 2016. From Story Times to Lego Club to Teen Book Club, she has developed and facilitated programming for all ages. She is an incredible artist, creating bulletin boards, decorations, and activities that make the youth library a welcoming place. She works throughout the year to prepare amazing Summer Reading entertainment and prizes. She is an incredible co-worker, always willing to help and always with kindness. This is just a small insight into the work she does here as she is always thinking of new ways to make the youth library shine. She is creative, funny, and innovative in the work that she does at the library. She’s all around just the best! Congratulations on 10 years!
- Megan Prueter, Head Librarian of Youth Services
How long have you worked at the library?
They say it’s been ten years.
In what part of the library do you work and what do you do?
I work downstairs in the Youth Department as a Youth Services Librarian. In my job, I get to be creative, organized, and collaborative while implementing programs for youth of all ages (newborns to teens, and everyone in between)! Behind the scenes of the library’s events that you know and love, often months of planning take place, and I’m able to be a part of that process by preparing materials, scheduling dates, booking entertainment, and coordinating with coworkers and community groups.
What has changed the most since you started working here?
Along with the building and collections going through several iterations since I first started, I know that I’ve changed quite a bit myself. My thoughts about how the library works, what the library does, and what the library means have evolved in a big way.
What services offered at the library do you wish more people knew about?
All students attending a District 7 school have a library account that they can use at any library in our system to check out 5 items at a time! Bring in your school ID and use it!
What has kept you working at the library?
The variety of work I’ve been able to do over the years has kept everything interesting, and I learn something new every day.
What’s an underrated book you think everyone should read?
Please read A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz.
Do you have a book character role model?
Strega Nona