Mary has been a circulation clerk at EPL for 5 years. She is knowledgeable, dependable, and always keeps busy in a way that adds value. These last two years have been a stressful time with COVID and our remodeling project, but Mary stays calm and even shows concern and compassion for others in the middle of chaos. She is one of the first to offer to assist with a project or to help co-workers and/or patrons. Thank you Mary for your 5 years of service to the Edwardsville Public Library.
- Jill Schardt, Library Director
In what part of the library do you work and what do you do?
I work at the Circulation desk. It’s a fun and interesting job as we get to interact with and get to know patrons, attempt to answer questions while learning new things in the process, and provide assistance in finding specific books or a genre that might interest someone. Until starting to work here I didn’t know that the job was much, much more than checking in and out books!
What has changed the most since you started working here?
The look of the interior of the library! I love it!
What services offered at the library do you wish more people knew about?
A-Z World Foods on the Resources page of our website. So much neat cultural information and so many really good sounding recipes. Makes me want to travel and eat!
What has kept you working at the library?
Interacting with the patrons and working with the fantastic, fun and entertaining staff!
If you could have coffee with any author, who would you choose?
Louise Penny
What’s an underrated book you think everyone should read?
I Heard the Owl Call My Name by Margaret Craven
Do you have a book character role model?
I’m not sure I’d call her a role model, but Ruth Zardo in the Louise Penny series is one of my favorite characters because she is a “character”!
What is your favorite book that you’ve read in the past year?
The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
What is the first book you remember reading?
A Big Ball of String by Marion Holland