Edgar Allan Blog Poe-st

Published Thursday, January 18, 2024

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous American writer and poet known for his gothic tales of madness. To celebrate his birthday on January 19, I have compiled some books in our library that are originals, adaptations of, and books inspired by Poe's works. There are graphic novels, children's chapter books that are truly for all ages, collections, and a children's picture book all relating back to Poe. Enjoy some unique adaptations on stories from the even more unique author! - Aubrey

Poe : Stories and Poems : A Graphic Novel Adaptation
Edgar Allan Poe & Gareth Hinds

This graphic novel contains seven of Poe's stories and poems, some staying word for word to the original, others cutting out details that can be seen thanks to the adaptation. Each story's style and color palette are very fitting, perfectly capturing the haunting feeling of Poe's words. Hinds also includes a "Poe Checklist," little icons that represent different themes throughout each of the stories/poems.

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The Tell-Tale Heart
Dennis Calero, Benjamin Harper & Edgar Allan Poe

This graphic novel adaptation modernizes the classic The Tell-Tale Heart even more by changing the words, keeping the original intent, but making it an easier read. Dennis Calero's illustrations are truly eerie, really bringing Poe's story to life. At the end of the novel, there are some visual questions to make you think about why the illustrator chose to employ certain tactics.

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Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness
Edgar Allan Poe & Gris Grimly

While technically a "juvenile" book, anyone who reads this will be at least slightly creeped out by Grimly's illustrations. Minus the sections that have been cut, the four stories are nearly word for word from Poe's originals. While still trying to be "kid-friendly," the illustrations certainly match the chaos and madness of Poe's stories.

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Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Death and Dementia
Edgar Allan Poe & Gris Grimly

This is Grimly's second installment of illustrations from Poe's writings. This set of four stories, like the first installment, keeps Poe's original writings, clipping some sections for the sake of brevity. These illustrations are just as, if not more, creepy than the first.

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Andy Biersack Presents the Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe

In this book, Andy Biersack, the lead singer of the rock band Black Veil Brides, has compiled some of his favorite works by Poe. In Biersack's foreword, he explains the impact that Poe's writings had on his younger self and how they still impact him today. This is a companion book to the audiobook narrated by Biersack and is available on CloudLibrary!

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The Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe

This book starts with a brief introduction to Poe, touching on some of his life's ups and downs and important moments. This is then followed by 1,026 pages of Poe's works, categorized by prose, poems, and poems written in his youth. Within these pages, of course, contain Poe's most well-known works along with his lesser-known ones.

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Edgar Gets Ready for Bed
Jennifer Adams & Ron Stucki

This children's picture book is inspired by Poe's famous poem The Raven. The illustrations make reference to the poem and Poe's gothic style. Edgar Gets Ready For Bed is a very cute book and a great gentle introduction to Edgar Allan Poe.

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About the Author

Aubrey is a circulation clerk and has been working at EPL since 2022. Her ideal reading environment is either curled up on the couch or sitting on a rocking chair outside in the sun. When she’s not reading, she’s working on her music education coursework or playing her trumpet.