Meet the Staff: Avie S.

Published Wednesday, September 27, 2023
When did you start working at EPL and what do you here?

Mid-April 2023!

Earliest memory of being in a library?

Being around 9-10 years old and watching my Dad and our local Rotary Club put on presentations about building wells and how important soy products are to many developing countries.

Anne of green gables
Favorite book genre/favorite book/favorite author

I’m partial to the Anne of Green Gables series since it’s where my full name comes from; Avonlea! I do however love anything to do with learning about fungi, mushrooms, plants, foraging, and outdoors!

Would you rather only be able to whisper or only able to shout?

I’ve been told I have a pretty loud voice as it is even when I’m not trying to be loud, so I’ll just stick with only being able to shout! LOL

What is your favorite aspect of working at the library?

I love working in the youth department and getting to see all of the kids' faces light up when they find a new book to read. I love hearing about what they learn and what they are excited to learn about next!

What’s your favorite word?


How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

Hiking and foraging for cool new mushrooms or creating some kind of new random art!

Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of your life?


Why should people visit the library?

The library is about more than just books. The library is a place you can come to free your mind, learn a new hobby, meet a new friend, and explore the world all at the same time! If books aren’t your thing, check out a fishing pole and head out to the lake for the day! Get your friends together on a starry night and check out one of the super cool telescopes! Want to learn a new science experiment or learn a new hobby? We have kits galore to choose from. If you haven’t been to your local library yet, you’re definitely sleeping on some fun and whimsical new perks in life!